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Guided coursework using online training modules designed to increase knowledge and skills related to deafblindess. Training includes:
  • Videos, slideshows, short readings, case studies, interactive group discussions, and more
  • Hearing from experts, teachers, interveners, individuals with deafblindness, and families
  • Coaching from Deafblind Project staff, certificates of attendance, and a certificate of completion for each year


  • Arizona Paraprofessionals serving as interveners for students with combined vision and hearing loss
  • Any team members in Arizona including teachers, related service providers, parents and family members – anyone touched by deafblindness


Time Commitment Training can span from a one-year to three-year cycle, depending on participant interest and District/Agency support. Only 1-2 hours per week are needed to complete the modules. The following syllabus outlines the training requirements for first-year participants.. Cost $100 per participant for the school year. Your District and/or program may be able to cover the cost of this training. Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB) will invoice districts or individuals.


  • Training will open on September 1st at a pace of one module per month
  • There will be one “face-to-face” virtual meetup per semester


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